Last night was the second time we attended our church’s monthly family pasta night for people who have adopted, are in the process of adopting or are thinking about adopting. It was a great time. I had had a hard week with all the paperwork for 2 agencies (tip: If you are using an international adoption agency that is out of state and therefore have to contract an agency locally to do your home study… compare “to do” lists- it will save you duplicating your work… I didn’t do this and spent the week retracing all my steps from the week before to get the same info but on different agency letterhead.). This meeting was great for my spirits. It was neat to hear from some of the parents who have already adopted and see the joy in their hearts when they spoke about their kids. I also got to meet another family who is adopting from Rwanda. They have done all their stuff and are just waiting for a referral (a referral is when Rwanda basically finds a child match for them and send them the child’s information to agree to adopt). They have been waiting 4 months. We had great conversation with a few other moms who already have their kids, one has 3 from Rwanda, the other has a teenager from China. We were learning all about name changes, making up birthdays and other things you don’t think about. I know this group will be a great support throughout the coming years and look forward to the bonds that form.
Meanwhile… back to more paperwork! 🙂 I think we have all the paperwork for all 3 of us for physicals and the cat’s too! Next week I’ll be working on all the financial paperwork like copying taxes, bank statements, credit card statements, and submitting our monthly budget information. Yuck! Lots of brain power required 🙂