Trauma-Related Stress and Getting A Good Night’s Rest – 3 Easy Steps
3 Steps to Releasing Tension from Trauma-Related Stress and Getting A Good Night’s Rest Has this ever happened to you? You’re laying in bed and you notice your body and mind can’t relax. You're tired but can’t sleep. Stressed but the day is already over. It’s time to...
There’s no such thing as a perfect trauma informed foster or adoptive parent.
There’s no such thing as a perfect parent. Being a trauma informed foster or adoptive parent can be hard work. As a parent raising a child with a trauma history, we can easily beat ourselves up for not being able to do the “hard work” perfectly all the time. We often...
Changing The Way We Think About Challenging Behavior
Willful Disobedience to Survival Behavior It can be challenging to shift the way we think about our child’s behavior. It can be so counterintuitive to see anger as a fear response or stealing as survival behavior. However, if we want to learn how to respond to our...
When Fear is in the Driver’s Seat. And Your Child is Taking You For A Ride
Fear is driving your child’s behavior. Do you believe this statement? Embarrassingly, it took me years to truly believe and understand how fear could possibly be driving my son’s behavior. He seemed to have an insatiable appetite for power and control. I didn’t see...